Friday, April 11, 2014

Rome Has Fallen - Short of Being Sacked...

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" (U.S. Second Amendment to the Constitution)

History's latest empire is staggering towards cataclysmic collapse, and there is no shortage of erstwhile enemies both inside and outside the empire, now tempted to take a swing at the pathetically flailing giant. That said, due caution is advised for those foolish enough to attack a wounded grizzly.

Across every major dimension, collapse is well advanced, albeit assiduously ignored:

Economic Decline/Depletion of the Treasury

- Declining employment rate as % of population
- An official unemployment rate that excludes people who have given up finding a job
- Declining real median incomes, at 20 year low
- Non amortizing Ponzi-financed fiscal debt
- Massively under-funded off-balance-sheet liabilities aka. Social Security/Medicare

Energy Depletion
- $100/barrel oil
- Dwindling supply
- Ever rising cost of reserve replacement
- Massively subsidized cost of capital
- Massively subsidized demand aka. cheap debt

Monetary Debasement
- Entire government deficit funded via printed money
- Inflation-control solely dependent upon self-destructing imported wage deflation

Political Corruption
- A circus of buffoons with 12% approval rating
- Zero sum game rent seeking between competing political factions
- Constant plundering of future generations
- Talk and campaigning with no net change

Health Crisis
- Rampant diabesity
- 90% Frankenfood saturation
- A morbidly obese society eating itself to death
- Ludicrously expensive healthcare

Educational Stagnation
- An intellectually stagnant culture with no interest in knowing anything
- Epidemic attention deficit
- An over-commercialized internet making people dumber rather than smarter
- Financially ruinous post-secondary education

Environmental Degradation
- 4:1 Resource consumption in Developed world versus Developing
- Wholly unsustainable global human population
- Global warming on an accelerating trend

Mental Illness Epidemic
- Mass depression papered over by psychotic inducing chemicals
- Rising suicides
- Rising violence on cusp of anarchy

Moral Decay
- Nihilism
- Hedonism
- Narcissism

Strategic Overreach/Geopolitical Loss of Control

- Serial blunders (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan)
- Corporate controlled foreign policy
- Global loss of credibility
- Unraveling in every direction

Cultural Stagnation 
- Superficial/fake
- Self-absorbed
- Conformist
- Materialistic

It Will Be Cataclysmic: The Status Quo is the Enemy of Survival
For the archaeological record, even at this very late juncture, the overwhelming majority of people are oblivious to risk and eagerly maintaining their inflated lifestyles straight into this real-time catastrophe. For myself and the handful of others, there's more than enough proof now to confirm that collapse is de facto. The status quo is the enemy of survival. 

What Now?
I've come full circle in my thinking on how the anarchy phase would play out. It seemed like five-ten years ago, that armed insurrection would be a likely outcome to this entire fiasco. Obama's polarizing election, the post-9/11 fervor, the massive gun build-up, the militia movement, it all seemed to be reaching an historic crescendo. Subsequently however, five years of languid malaise have passed accompanied by five more years of war, draining this society's will to fight and thereby turning the initiative away from armed insurrection towards the longer term war of attrition.

Say what I want about Uncle Sam's ability to win wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, body for body, Uncle Sam has killed more people in the past century than any other ten armies dreamed of killing. The U.S. carpet bombed Germany for three fucking years straight back in WWII before even laying boots on the continent. Russians died by the millions, waiting in vain for a second front to open, because as we now know Churchill had already predicted the coming Cold War. Canadians were massacred on French beaches two full years before D-Day in an Anglo/American exploratory mission to see what would happen at Dieppe (actually it was Canada's idea). Fast forward to Vietnam where 55,000 U.S. servicemen died relative to 1.1 million Vietnamese who were carpet bombed to oblivion. You get the idea, it's an extremely efficient killing machine, albeit not very successful at selling junk food and junk culture to local populations.

I fully understand the urge to make use of the stockpiled ammunition and new weaponary to invoke the Second Amendment, however, that is a delusional fantasy. The past five year vacation from all things real, changed everything on the tactical front. It gave Uncle Sam time to prepare - 1.6 billion rounds of ammo, two de-escalated wars, NSA data collection, drone advancement, police department militarization - we just learned recently of several hundred to several thousand military style light armored vehicles ("MRAPS") being allocated to small town police departments. Compliments of the Pentagon.

Coming to a police department near you:

Anarchy is Spectacle
Has anyone seen Running Man? $50,000 reward plus lunch with newly elected President Mickey Mouse (contest expires 5/31, see back panel for contest details):

Irrational Exuberance
Price of a fully automatic M16A2 built 1986
Any self-respecting nutjob with zero regard for the law, can do this same conversion to a brand new AR15 in 10 minutes and save themselves $30 grand:

Sturm Ruger
It took about a year for hill billies to realize that Obama wasn't going to get elected to a third term...

This is all shaping up as a war of attrition i.e. the way the Vietnamese chased Uncle Sam out of that country. The same will be true in Afghanistan and Iraq. It's way too expensive for Uncle Sam to "loiter" on target when daily cost of deployment is in the high millions of dollars. There is nothing any well armed hill billy can do that $400 million dollar fighter planes isn't already doing i.e. sapping the Military Industrial Complex of resources.

Put this another way, according to Mitt Romney, 47% of Americans depend on the U.S. government for some form of assistance. Now, add in these useless RomneyBots themselves who are the ultimate government dependents to defend their ill-gotten wealth. Add in the entire Military Industrial Complex and associated dependents. Now add in every candy ass liberal yuppy you ever met. Who the hell does that leave, some demented hill billies probably collecting Social Security and Medicare? Give me a fucking break. I'm not saying there won't be violence and anarchy, I'm only saying that it will be just another form of assisted suicide.

Don't worry, the economic reset is going to do more to strip down the Military Industrial Complex than any foreign or domestic army could ever hope to achieve.

Plan accordingly.

Those raised on this garbage won't be launching any "insurrection", unless it's on the Xbox and comes with a free bag of popcorn.

I was looking for some content I had seen years ago on the History Channel. Here is what I found instead: "Pawn Stars", "Swamp People", "Project Runway" amid other "episodes" of total garbage

History has been deleted by the idiocracy:

It Gets Worse
Over on the "The Learning Channel" (TLC) 
"Sex sent me to the ER" - various BDSM participants who took things one step too far...
"Buying Naked" - nudists looking for new homes
"My 600 lb life" - A stationary web cam pointing at fat fucks who can't get out of bed
"19 Kids and Counting" - Two people who should be sterilized
"America's Worst Tattoos" - The branded Idiocracy
"My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding" - Fat people pretending to be gypsies