Tuesday, September 2, 2014

"MIGHT IS RIGHT": The Never-ending Neocon Blunder

The Geneva Convention: Civilized Hypocrisy
Landmines, cluster bombs, napalm, high altitude carpet bombing, nuclear weapons, drone attacks, depleted uranium munitions, "precision guided munitions" (i.e. weapons having a 150m blast radius, 150m error radius, dropped at 600 mph). None of these are banned under the Geneva Convention. But you better take care of those "prisoners". On the other hand, if there happen to be no prisoners, well so much the easier to "verify"...

"Every year, landmines kill 15,000 to 20,000 people — most of them children, women and the elderly — and severely maim countless more." - United Nations
"as your missiles continue to strike our people, our knife will continue to strike necks of your people." - Islamic State to DroneMaster Obama
Beheadings as recourse for aerial bombardment ordered 9,000 miles away  - looks like someone just found a trump card. I suppose the hypocrites who came up with these one-sided Geneva Convention rules which are overwhelmingly to the benefit of the side having technological superiority, never contemplated the inevitable end game. 

Dropping bombs on people from 10,000 feet is a sign of weakness, not of strength. The runaway mutant virus, known as Islamic State, which was created by lying hypocrites 9,000 miles away, is spreading. We can fully expect every other terrorist organization to adopt the same "techniques" for discouraging the use of weapons of indescriminate destruction, which should have been banned a long time ago. Under the Humane Convention.

How many people in the Middle East does an average President have to kill each year so that Fauxtards can pretend to be "safe", corrupt oil Sheikhs can fly 747s to Monaco for the weekend, and Peak oil/climate denialists can drive their V8 gas guzzlers on the cheap. All while 22 U.S. veterans a day commit suicide?

We know one thing for sure, if the Neocons' kids had to go to war, this would all end instantly.