Sunday, September 7, 2014

"We Didn't Start the (Bon) Fire of the Insanities"

Right. "We" just poured gasoline on it with a fire hose for a few decades straight
The top performing stock market of 2014 (so far). Hint: the only sovereign default of the year (so far):

I'm not getting an iPhoney6, I heard the iPhoney12 will be twice as good. So, I'll start camping out tonight...

If 2013, was the year of "Insanity", that makes 2014 the year the Soylent Idiocracy asks Siri for directions to the mass extinction - Buffalo gleefully bounding off a cliff at full speed.

In 2013, the Caracas stock market was the top performer with a 500% increase thanks to hyperinflation:

Not to be outdone, as I alluded to at the top, Argentina has the top performing stock market this year.
"A sovereign nation should never default on its debt, because that would cause extreme market turmoil and shunning of the nation's financial assets"

100% YTD gain: I can only assume that we will see more defaults in the future

Spanish 10 Year Yield
As long as Spanish banks own all of this Ponzi Debt then I assume this will work out just fine:

Pakistan is a failed nuclear state in melt-down mode, so by Idiocratic logic that should make it one of the top performing stock markets in the past five years.

500% gain in five years:

The Middle East is a total disaster. Jihadis running amok. Neocons running amok. Oil Sheikhs running amok. I assume that means that the Gulf State stock exchanges are outperforming:

Up 40% on the year (The Dow is up 5%):

Perhaps I wasn't clear on what risks I was alluding to on Alibaba. The $24 billion IPO cash-out for Alibaba will almost equal the entire year-to-date proceeds from all IPOs in 2013 ($28.5 b):

Dow Prozac Running Out At All Time High
All it took was a 5% return over 8 months to reach a new all time extreme in (non) bearish sentiment? Manic fucking delusion. These are our fucking neighbours at work. These are the people cutting us off in parking lots in a hurry to go nowhere. They are already mentally unstable and their prescription is about to run out for good. Plan accordingly.