Thursday, January 22, 2015

"Breadcrumbs Keep Falling on My Head"

The people at the bottom of this Globalized clusterfuck suffer in complete silence. Tens of thousands die every day while CNN is tracking missing airliners for weeks on end.
The people further up the ladder who represent what used to be the middle class, they suffer in stoned silence as well. They take their new McJob at half pay with no benefits apparently as a sign of personal failure. Just another "loser" in the fair game of capitalism. It's all good. They self-medicate with Happy Meals, Prozac and The Unlearning Channel.

"Thank you Sir, May I have another"
All of that silence and acceptance of the status quo tells the game show hosts in politics and their apologists in the media that the status quo is working just fine. Roll out the Manchurian Candidate President for another round of applause while he blows smoke up our asses about his concern for the long ago decimated middle class.

What will it take for the game show hosts to finally get the message that enriching billionaires at the expense of everyone else, is not working? What will it take for them to start working for the majority rather than the miniscule minority? Because until they get the message loud and clear that "this" isn't working, we can just assume that the program will continue as is.

The problem with self-medication is that you don't feel it when they amputate your life.