Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Society of the Spectacle: Dousing an Inferno With Jet Fuel

The new Charlie Hebdo issue, mocking Muhammad (again) was broadcast across the internet yesterday. 3 million print copies will be distributed versus the usual 50k, so everyone can get a souvenir copy.

ISIS recruitment just shot up 100x globally, free of charge. They couldn't have asked for anything better. All so that South Park en Francais could publish racist garbage under the guise of "Free speech".

Freedom of speech or public defilement? 
The Idiocracy doesn't know the difference. It's all Spectacle. It's 'comforting' to learn that South Park 'culture' isn't just a U.S. phenomenon.

The Barbarians on both sides of the Gate best be prepared for what comes next. 

But we know for a fact that the ones on this side are not.