Thursday, April 9, 2015

An Inconvenient Self-Obliteration

This denialistic mentally ill society is well on the way to full mental breakdown

The word "conservation" hasn't been used since the 1970s. It was banned around the time that John Denver and Grizzly Adams yielded to Boy George and Dukes of Hazzard. And at risk of stating the asinine, the psychological process of accepting "less", has not been taking place in the interim.

Case in point, the worst-ever drought in California history, is only now causing state wide water restrictions, two decades too late. The reservoirs are all empty. The rivers and lakes have been drained. And now the underground acquifers are being depleted at staggering rates. 

Denialism is a self-obliterating mental illness. It's blindness to risk. It mostly afflicts old people, but now it has spread to everyone.

The psychology of an economic reset is the most important aspect for survival. Learning to survive and then thrive on less, is the exact opposite of what this society is conditioned to expect. 

Like any addiction, dopamine addiction to external gratification, is programmed for more, not less. Going cold-turkey after years of binging will be mentally traumatic.

In the process, it will force people to become real human beings as opposed to self-absorbed consumption zombies.

It will be interesting to see who or what comes out the other end.