Friday, July 24, 2015

Dumpster Diving With The Idiocracy. For Fun and Profit.

Only one currency always gains in value

You can't buy it. You can't sell it.

You can't borrow it. You can't save it. 

At the end it levels all castles in the sky.

All men are not created equal, they just die equally humbled.

Amid tears in rain.

What the corporate Idiocracy values, has no value. Half a trillion in annual advertising, not for nothing. 

They throw away everything, mostly themselves.

They can't see the bubble, because they are the fucking bubble. First and foremost what is now disintegrating. Used up for 'special' dividends. 

"One asinine idea led to the next more ludicrous one, until they ran out of time. Swan diving straight into the dumpster of history"