Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Answer For ISIS: Maintain Status Quo

The only way to fix ISIS is to fix the exceptional tools who created it. Two problems solved for the price of one, all thanks to Faux News & Friends...

Maintain Status QuoTM

Fortunately, while they were bombing foreigners into exceptionalism, the most effective response for ISIS was gaining momentum in the background i.e. the means by which the Middle East will return to the Stone Age where it belongs. No more gold plated 747s flying over the heads of 9th century camel fuckers. 

The best way to deal with ISIS is the same way to deal with the status quo and the jackasses who believe in it i.e. to wipe it off the fucking map.

When oil breaks back to a one handle, the S&P will be marked-to-reality and then all of today's exceptional dunces will realize they are exceptional dunces. And as it turns out, that moment is approaching...


Either oil rallies imminently or oil stocks catch down to delayed reality...

The last times oil was at this level, oil stocks (red) were significantly lower i.e. they are massively overvalued:

And then of course, once oil stocks are "properly" valued, then the S&P will become properly valued, as 950 P/E internet stocks get Shanghai'd...

An experiment in MAXIMUM STUPIDITY:
oil stocks with S&P:

No panic. Every dip gets bought...
Each bounce since 2009 has been weaker and shorter than the last. Lower highs for seven years straight, while volatility has been subdued. It takes a major spike in volatility to put a final low in the price of a collapsing asset...and volatility has been trending higher for a year...
Oil implied volatility

Catch a falling buzz saw
Oil ETF with volume x price left side