Monday, November 16, 2015

We Live In A Fucking Refugee Camp

It's just easier to lie constantly than to change anything... 

Unchecked greed has authored its own demise. Globalization has become human history's largest refugee camp. The entire future has been rendered down to "Now" for immediate consumption. 

To pay for this self-cannibalizing corruption, Wall Street "invented" rehypothecation - a government sanctioned Ponzi concept allowing securitized debt to be endlessly re-pledged as collateral, hence allowing all future generations to be monetized at the same time. Bernie Madoff is wondering why he's in jail.

The globalized refugee camp "can't" solve any "distant" problem such as global warming, because we're too busy unfucking the problems created years ago that were deemed "distant" back then - such as ISIS, which was the frankenmonster hatched by the Iraq war. Prior to that, the Taliban, created by Afghanistan. Before that, Al Qaeda, created by the Gulf War. "It's all under control".

We've essentially become a four hundred pound fat man tripping over himself to get back to the fucking buffet line. An old fat man under constant siege from his own knife and fork. Unaware that he's moving slower and slower with each passing day, approaching permanent standstill.